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Confessions of a Thank You Note Writer, or Why My Best Friend Hates Me...

I am a Thank You note writer.

I love stationary and hand-written notes .

I love sending Thank Yous, and I love getting them in the mail.

Okay, truthfully, I love getting any kind of personal mail but Thank Yous are especially nice.

It's nice to know that your gestures/actions are appreciated. Everyone likes getting a piece of mail that puts a smile on their face and I personally, have yet to frown while reading a Thank You so, I continue to send them to others whenever I get a chance.

That being said, many people have asked me over the years why I continue an antiquated tradition such as hand-written notes when there's email, e-cards and whatnot hovering out there in the webisphere.

These electronic ways of communicating in a world full of people too busy for personal correspondence is a blessing in many cases but it's taken the "person" out of it all.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is; don't stop using email, etc. to say hello or even thank you, but, when you do get a chance, please, please take to time to write a quick hand-written note or two. The people who love you will appreciate it more than you could know...

Sincerely and Thank you,
-Ms. Demeanor

Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.” ~ Jacques Maritain


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